Thursday, September 3, 2009

Eight is great!

Today marks 8 months for our sweet little boy. It seems like yesterday that I was looking down at his sprawled-out toes and perfect little nose in the hospital room... okay not really. Anyhow, Carson is such a happy and VERY active baby. He has been crawling since the end of his sixth month and now follows me everywhere around the house. His favorite thing to do is stand up wherever he is, of course holding onto whatever he can. This makes for many bumps and bangs throughout the day. It is almost impossible to bathe him now because he will not sit still for any length of time. (I don't know why I made it a nightly habit before bedtime because now I'm stuck). At night he sleeps like an angel, averaging 11-12 hours, however naps are a different story. We're lucky if he gets past thirty minutes at a time. He loves swimming with us in the pool and also watching his cousins play. His big blue eyes stop all the passers' by, as well as the big toothy grin he gives them. A few weeks ago he started shaking his head in a 'no' motion which cracks me up because I never taught him how to do it. What is funny is that he does it a lot when I'm putting him to bed. (It brings to mind a comment my oldest sister always says, that they are smarter than we think). Although he grew so fast out of the 0-3 month clothes which made me very sad, now he is still wearing some 3-6 month sizes. We know the day of January three is rolling around fast, and we hope we can just enjoy the daily surprises he brings to our lives before he is not a baby anymore.


Boydston Family said...

he is so cute. Those eyes are to die for!!!

Britty said...

Yes, yes, those eyes. So beautiful! And you already know I love that cute outfit. Things are only going to get more fun with little Carson.

Justin said...

Oh my goodness guys. Carson is the cutest baby ever.

LudvigsonFamily said...

I am so jealous he sleeps that good for you at night. Lance still wakes me up a ton at night. If it is only twice that is a good night! Oh how I wish I could see your little guy in person, he is so cute.

Jessica said...

Good job for getting him to sleep so well. He is so cute. I hope you guys are doing well!

Cindy said...

Carson IS a mover!!! He's such a cute, fun, happy little guy! We're glad we get to see him so often!

Millertime said...

Seriously Kristy those eyes are beautiful. How cute is he! I can't believe he is 8 months old already. It seems like yesterday that you had him. What a sweet little boy!