Carson turned 2 on January 3rd. Before introducing Carson to Sesame Street, I never really understood the craze about Elmo! There was never an Elmo's World when I was growing up, nor a lot of the things that are on that show now (personally I don't even care for the new groove to the opening music). After having it on a few times in the morning I noticed that he would never stick around for very long watching, that is....until Elmo came on! All this said, I never imagined I would be throwing an Elmo bday party. But it did happen. Carson drug that Elmo balloon around our house for two months afterwards until it was a sad, shriveled up glob of blue and red foil.
This February our friends The Stevulaks came for their second annual trip to the exciting town of Rocklin. If it weren't for them, we would probably never go to San Francisco because it is so far away. :) But I'm not opposed to a little Ghiradelli square. We had to take a picture in the same spot as last years'.
Yay! Thanks for updating us :) You have 2 adorable boys! I am glad we have facebook and blogs to keep up on everyone :) Love you!
Thanks for documenting our trip. We had so much fun, and can't wait to do it again!
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