Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Idaho Falls 4th of July

This year for the Fourth of July we went to Idaho Falls, ID to visit my sister Stefanie. My mom, sisters and me threw her a surprise baby shower for her sixth baby (a girl), with the help of my cousin Sommer and Aunt Sonja. Thank you!
The trip didn't start off with much of a "bang". We stopped overnight in Wells on the way and did not have a very restful night with my two little boys that would not go to sleep. How could you be mad waking up to this sweet face after two hours of sleep? Luke was still all smiles.
On Monday we walked down to the end of Stefanie's street to catch the annual parade. Carson of course loved watching all the big trucks and floats go by. Boy were the streets packed too! I'm glad we didn't have to try and park and then get out after the parade was over.
Hey it's a tooth float! Maybe Jeff should look into this kind of advertising...
Just some pics after church.

All of the Bundy grandchildren.
After church me Jeff and the kids took a walk around the Idaho Falls Temple and snapped a few pictures. It was fun for us because this was the first temple we walked around together when we started dating around the same time 5 years ago.
On Saturday we rafted down the Snake River. This is something we try and do every summer we are in Idaho. It was especially fun because this was Jeff's first time down with the family. Since the river was flowing high and fast my brother in law opted on a paddle boat so we all just got to take in the beautiful scenery while he tried to get us wet with the 50 deg. water! Usually I like to get in and swim a little bit, but not this time.
Got to love Eric's enthusiasm.
Okay, and Jeff's too!

...and of course the famous Idaho Falls fireworks show (largest west of the Mississippi) starting at 10pm! What a way to end a fabulous weekend. This picture of Luke does not really show how big his eyes were open and intently watching the beautiful show of lights.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The last 11 months!

I don't want to let a year pass before I update our blog so if it means staying up into the wee hours of the morning I will. For those of you not in the FB world (are there any out there?), I will tell you that Baby #2 was born October 22 and we named him Luke Travis. He will be 6 months before the week ends which seems totally crazy to me. Those of you with multiple children should agree with me when I say that time seems to go by so much faster when you are busy with the other(s). Our little Lukey (as Carson calls him) is so happy and easy going which is such a blessing when you have a demanding 2 year old.
For Christmas last year we went to see Grandma and Grandpa Routsong in St. George. For those of you who don't know my very particular little boy and how he DOES NOT like new things, let me tell you, getting him to sleep somewhere other than his own bed is always a challenge. I remember him crying that first night as I put him into the pack-n-play downstairs in the piano room and he kept saying "airplane, airplane". The only thing I could think of to explain this is that he wanted to go back home to his OWN bed.
Thank goodness for Elmo's World episodes downloaded on the phone to keep this very busy boy occupied on the plane!

Jeff decided to throw his staff Christmas party at our house this year. Lucky me! It was fun to have them but it also was a little crazy with a new baby trying to pull of a four course meal including soup, salad, tri-tip, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, and cheesecake. I told him next year we are doing the restaurant thing like the previous year so I can actually enjoy my meal and relax!

The last 11 months cont...

Carson had his first bubble bath (don't ask me why I waited so long) in our bathtub. He was very unsure of them at first and would not lay a finger on them until I showed him he could scoop them up and blow them.We took our first trip to the snow as a family in January. It was such a beautiful day and we had a blast sledding.
I always thought it was so cute when my sister Jackie would dress her two boys in matching clothes. And so it begins...
Other than making Luke, making Carson's Halloween costume was probably my proudest piece of work in 2010. I finished it only a few days before having Luke and was lucky enough to capture a few pictures before he ripped the cape off.

The last 11 months cont...again...

Carson turned 2 on January 3rd. Before introducing Carson to Sesame Street, I never really understood the craze about Elmo! There was never an Elmo's World when I was growing up, nor a lot of the things that are on that show now (personally I don't even care for the new groove to the opening music). After having it on a few times in the morning I noticed that he would never stick around for very long watching, that is....until Elmo came on! All this said, I never imagined I would be throwing an Elmo bday party. But it did happen. Carson drug that Elmo balloon around our house for two months afterwards until it was a sad, shriveled up glob of blue and red foil.
My attempt at a cake.
This February our friends The Stevulaks came for their second annual trip to the exciting town of Rocklin. If it weren't for them, we would probably never go to San Francisco because it is so far away. :) But I'm not opposed to a little Ghiradelli square. We had to take a picture in the same spot as last years'.
...which is this one.